Discover a healthier way of living with my

Stress Transformation programmes.


Develop your own stress management toolkit

Andy has created a unique and exciting, integrative, secular programme that combines modern day science with ancient wisdom and eastern practices to deliver engaging and transformative stress management programs to workforces like yours, and individuals like you.

As your co-pilot, I will take you from autopilot to the captain of your own journey. My goal is simply to equip you with your own stress management toolbox, so that when you know how to use it, you can use it at anytime, anywhere.

You will learn practical techniques and strategies that will allow you to effectively reduce and manage stress and improve your overall health and well-being.




When I contacted Andy I really felt stuck. Even in the grips of the COVID pandemic, I knew there was more to life but I just didn’t know how to explore it. Andy allowed me the space to arrive at my own goal, then supported and mentored me in a way that has literally changed the way I experience life, which sounds bizarre to say. When he said “ feeling is understanding” I was a bit skeptical I must admit, but now I get it.


Just WOW! Who knew…… Andy, your support and wisdom has been amazing and the experience has been profound, thank you.


I am so happy to have completed the MBSR course with Andy. During the first week I found it challenging making time to practice outside of the weekly sessions. Andy was amazing at helping us all feel comfortable, it was a safe space for us all to contribute and share our experiences. I couldn't have asked for a better course provider. I enjoyed both the practical side and the theoretical material. Andy delivered well prepared sessions and I believe his knowledge and experience is what made the course so exceptional and allowed me to gain so much value. After about week 3, I noticed changes in my experience to the meditations. This was also reflected in my everyday life. I was in a better mood, I was enjoying slowing things down, engaging and appreciating time with friends and family and being in the moment. Mindfulness has now become part of daily life and who I am, I'm really grateful to have done this course. Thank you, Andy

"I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened."

- Mark Twain


Did you know that up to 90% of human disease is related to stress and inflammation?

Any intrinsic or extrinsic stimulus that evokes a biological response is known as stress. Scientifically and in quantum theory, stress is in everything and everywhere.

There are many factors involved in why we experience stress and which are influenced by stress.

Positive Stress serves a very important purpose in our survival, while the impacts of negative stress contribute to serious health problems including mental disorders such as depression or anxiety.

Together we will explore your current habits, your relationship with stress and what is holding you back, and then I equip you with the tools and understanding to reduce stress, living happier, healthier, less stressed lives, on purpose.


“If you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.”
- Thomas Jefferson